الثلاثاء، 11 سبتمبر 2018

What To Know Before Learning How To Use Alcohol Ink

What To Know Before Learning How To Use Alcohol Ink

by Daniel Allen

Man has a a distinct urge to always create and be artistic. Everyone, maybe even you at this point, want to express your creative urges by learning <a href="www.alcoholinkdesigns.com/index.html">how to use alcohol ink</a>, and that is why you are on this article right now. But before you do go out and buy some, perhaps it is best that you know a little more about this medium first.

For starters this ink is dye based, which means that the colorant that gives it color is fully dissolved in whatever liquid suspension that is used. As such, there will be no need for you to shake it and get any particles that may have settled to the bottom, since there will not be any. This is in exception of course to colors with metallic and pearl sheen.

Since the main suspension base is alcohol based it will mean one thing. This will dry up very quickly depending on the color, anywhere from a very few seconds to almost a minute, once that it touches whatever that you are using for your creative project.

These inks must always be used on surfaces that they can glide across. This means that non porous and sturdy surfaces should be used such as ceramic, glass or plastic and not porous ones like paper or wood. Paper and wood will absorb the ink and the real magic of this medium will not be seen.

These inks come in general standard colors of light pastel sets, bright jewel colored sets, and earth tone darker sets. Lighter colored ones have more alcohol in them and thus then to spread out more. Darker colors have more dye in them and will not spread out as much. It goes without saying that lighter colors will tend to dry up faster than darker ones, which is a trait that you should keep in the back of your mind.

As you are just starting out, do not go full blast and buy every shade of colors for this kind of medium.in fact there are quite a number of starter packs available in the market with starter colors. Also just buy one half ounce bottles if you can for they still do last quite a long time. Buying darker colors will also save you more money for you can just mix it with alcohol to get the lighter variants.

As you start out with this kind of medium you will start to notice that this is a kind of ink that does not mix well, and in fact will push each other away with a distinct border between each color. The effect is something that is akin to a stained glass piece of artwork. Thus if you are going to make a design, take into account the characteristics of this medium.

When your piece of art does finally dry, it will be very resilient and even waterproof. It can last for a while as long as you keep it away from alcohol based liquids and such. Coming into contact with such liquids will reactivate the colors and make them move around again, ruining your creation.

This online page has up-to-the-minute information about <a href="http://www.alcoholinkdesigns.com/index.html">how to use alcohol ink</a> that people need to know about. To learn more, visit the relevant website on http://www.alcoholinkdesigns.com/index.html right now.

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